Wednesday, 7 May 2014

String Games with Room 14

This afternoon Room 15 were invited to Room 14 to learn some of the string games that were taught on Monday.
Students from the class had seen how much fun people were having and were trying hard to teach themselves how do make some of the string figures. After a day of persevering ourselves Mr Lodge and his class worked with us to show us the steps of creating some of the different string figures.

If you are wanting instruction on how to make some of the string figures you can go to:


  1. It looks like you had a really great afternoon, I like that you were practising a skill that you had just learnt and that you are working co-operatively with others.

  2. We had a great time working with Room 15, we look forward to getting together again at sometime, maybe next time the Rm 15 kids could teach the Rm 14 kids something, Mr Lodge.
